Numerology Forecast for 2024

2024 Numerology

2024 Numerology Forecast
Numerologist Mary Popiolek gives us insight into this new year.

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The 2,4,8 combination involves partnerships, connections, practical solutions, work, action, opportunities, prosperity, and success.

#2 Overview
Connect with others. Form alliances. Heal relationships. Balance give and take within partnerships. Balance activity with periods of rest. Try to be calm, centered, and kind. Develop your intuition. Find practical solutions. Choose diplomacy.

#2 Challenges
Break up, complain, delay, no boundaries, reckless;
Abuse of power, attack.

#4 Overview
Do a status check. Take care of business. Take care of home and family. Simplify your life. Stay centered. Pay attention to details. Eliminate the unnecessary, create order. Purge, repair, reset, tidy, work, rejuvenate. Work hard to reach your goals. Think outside the box. Start a new job or business. Appreciate, ask, receive. Endure, enlighten, excel. Follow your passions. Relieve stress with laughter.

#4 Challenges
Brusque, distracted, insecure, irritable, possessive;
arson, bear market, crash

#8 Overview
Focus on goals; invest in yourself. Make a financial plan. Income and expenses may increase in larger than normal amounts so practice good money management. Envision, heal, hope, improve, reinvent. Take care of yourself and improve physically. Form partnerships, make connections; cooperate, counsel, encourage. Clean, organize, and/or decorate your environment. Find your personal strength, especially if someone is trying to control you. Get strong, rise above it, keep going. Develop self-mastery. Use a step-by-step process, diligent work habits and think big. Have a positive attitude.

#8 Challenges
Anxiety, demanding, impatient, money mismanagement; bombing, cyber threat, extreme weather

Small Sample of #2, 4, and 8 Words
alphabetical letter numbers added and reduced to single digit): Argentina, China, Columbia, Gaza, Greenland, Italy, North Korea, Portugal, Saint John, South Africa, Poland, Yemen; Alabama, Georgia, Mississippi, Nebraska, New Hampshire, North Carolina, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, Vermont, Virginia, Washington Wisconsin; Biloxi, Boston, Brooklyn, Houston, Little Rock, Naples, Savannah;
cake, cereal, chicken, coffee, honey, onion, rice, tea, vanilla, water;
bear, beetle, dog, iguana, moose, python, whale;
blue, bronze, green, ivory, red-violet, silver;
gamma rays, geomagnetic storm, meteor, solar eclipse, star;
achiever, action, analytical, athlete, atom, avalanche, basketball, border, breakthrough, builder, car, chef, clown, condominium, cosmic, cook, cyber, data, decorate, design, diligent, diplomacy, divorce, earthquake, engineering, father, finances, financial advisor, fit, freeze, glass, global, golf, hockey, ice, imagination, impeachment, infrastructure, intellectual, jewelry, land, marketing, mathematics, military, mind, minimalism, musician, nanophysics, national security, Navy, Nobel Peace Prize, pharmacy, plasma, polar, potential, powerful, radioactive, real estate sale, responsible, safety, science, secure, sailing, smart, snow, spirituality, sports, success, supernatural, survive, train, transcend, tranquility, trees, truce, trust, unity, vigor, volcano eruption, wealthy, zeal

Positive Phrases
Cease fire, create harmony, getting better, hug yourself, lighten up, make the best of your situation, spread light, take a breath, transcend tragedy, trust the day, work it out, yes I can