Forecast for March 2025
Numerologist Mary Popiolek gives us insight into this number 3,7 month.
Numerology for March 2025 is 3,7
- March is the 3rd calendar month
- Letters in the word “March” added/reduced to a single digit = 43, 4+3=7
- Numerology adds year plus calendar month number 2+0+2+5+3=12,1+2=3
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March Combination: 3,7
Connect, analyze, create, discover, invent, and intuit ways to improve your life and the world. Uplift, motivate, live. Balance activity with time for solitude.
#3 Overview
Nurture relationships, connect with others. Make a new friend. Be open to new experiences. Experiment, build, focus on solutions. Find a creative outlet; invent. Buy/sell/trade. Release stress, seek humor, have some fun. Everyone has something to say. Words have power, so be thankful and uplifting. Look forward.
#3 Qualities
Diplomatic, exciting, experiential, extroverted, flexible, fun loving, friendly, genuine, happy, humanitarian, intuitive, inventive, open hearted, passionate, physical, playful, stimulating, strong.
Advancement, alliance, determination, discovery, enthusiasm, freedom, humor, peace, transformation
#3 Challenges
Abuse, critical, egotistical, envy, excessive, fear, impulsiveness, neglect, paranoia, pessimist, polarization, procrastination, restlessness, stubborn, withdrawn
#7 Overview
Create a space for solitude, mental, and spiritual needs. Try meditation. Explore your intuitive side. Spend some time in nature. Exercise. Contemplate, listen, plan, prepare, visualize, construct, create. Make practical use of time. Adapt to change. Heal issues from the past. Reset your life. Get some alone time.
#7 Qualities
Caring, charitable, critical thinker, determined, emotionally neutral, free, grounded, harmonious, just, laid back, loving, mindful, optimistic, orderly, pleasant, positive, protective, refined, secretive, serious, silent, straightforward.
Bliss, clarity, compassion, complexity, courage, discernment, empathy, excellence, expert, flexibility, good will, grace, honor, innovation, intelligence, persistence, self-discipline, serenity, transform, vision, willpower
#7 Challenges
Abusive, addiction, clingy, depression, distrustful, hostile, hurtful, loneliness, panic, polarized, secretive, separateness, shy, workaholi
Number 3
#3 Names
Abby, Addison, Alice, Amy, Anna, Annabelle, Bethany, Bianca, Brooke, Celine, Charlene, Chris, Christy, Claire, Colleen, Corey, Cristina, Daphne, Debra, Donna, Ellen, Eunice, Gerri, Gisele, Isabel, Jackie, Jane, Jean, Jena, Jennie, Jessica, Joni, Julie, Kalea, Kamala, Katarina, Kira, Kristy, Laurie, Lindsay, Luna, Madison, Marijo, Mary, Maylea, Meghan, Nancy, Nora, Pam, Pamela, Rita, Rose, Rosemarie, Rosie, Ruby, Sandra, Sara, Serevina, Sharon, Shawna, Simone, Sloane, Tade, Tatiana, Virginie;
Anne Frank (7,5), Aretha Franklin (8,4), Ariana Grande (8,4), Billie Eilish (4,8), Brenda Lee (8,4), Carly Simon (5,7), Constance Wu (4,8), Eleanor Roosevelt (7,5), Ella Fitzgerald (3,9), Gloria Steinem (8,4), Margaret Sanger (11,1), Mariah Carey (5,7), Marie Curie (1,11), Mary J. Blige (3,1,8), Penelope Cruz (7,5), Rosalynn Carter (1,11), Maria Beasley (6,6) invented life raft, Mary Anderson (3,9) invented windshield wipers, Stephanie Kwolek (7,5) invented Kevlar
Alec, Alexander, Angel, Armando, Athen, Austin, Ben, Brien, Chadrick, Charles, Chris, Corey, Duncan, Fran, Frances, Geoff, George, Graham, Hal, Harrison, James, Jeffrey, Jermaine, Jerome, Joe, Jon, Jonah, Justin, Ken, Leonardo, Luther, Manuel, Marcus, Marshall, Martin, Mel, Melvin, Mickey, Nathaniel, Norman, Orville, Owen, Reg, Ricky, Ronnie, Scotty, Sean, Tobias, Tom, Ulysses, Vinny, Vishnu, Vito, Vlad, Wood, Zachariah, Zayden, Zayn;
Alice Cooper (3,9), Andrew Jackson (11,1), Back Street Boys (48/3), Bob Marley (1,2), Darius Garland (9,3), Dave Koz (5,7), Doug Burgum (11,1), Donald Trump (5,7), Dwight Eisenhower (8,4), Edgar Allan Poe (8,4,9), Frankie Valli (1,11), James Polk (3,9), Jerry Rice (4,8), Joel Osteen (6,6), John Quincy Adams (11,8,11), Kyrie Irving (5,7), Louis Armstrong (4,8), Martin Cooper (3,9), Mick Jagger (9,3), Michael Chang (6,6), Nelson Mandela (7,5), NSYNC, Richard Lewis (7,5), Robin Williams (4,8), Ron DeSantis (2,1), Thomas Jefferson (4,8), Vivek Ramaswamy (6,6)
#3 States & Cities
Arkansas, Arizona, Iowa, New Mexico, New York, South Carolina, West Virginia; Asheville, Austin, Billings, Cape Canaveral, Charlotte, Chesapeake Bay, Grand Rapids, Harlem, Hollywood, Mercato, Nashville, Port of the Islands, Providence, Richmond, Rochester, Salt Lake City, Santa Fe, SoHo, St. Augustine, Syracuse, Wichita, Yellowstone
#3 Countries & Cities/Areas
Asia, Australia, Bhutan, Cabo Verde, Cambodia, Cameroon, Cyprus, Denmark, East Timor, England, Gabon, Guinea, Iceland, Luxembourg, Nauru, Nepal, Netherlands, Nicaragua, Oceania, Qatar, St. Maarten, Tonga, Tunisia, Turkmenistan, Uganda, United States of America, Venezuela, Vietnam;
Abu Dhabi, Basel, Beirut, Chernobyl, Lake Como, Macau, Nepal, Sardinia, Suez Canal, Tehran
#3 Words
Alcohol, Amaretto, beer, bread, brunch, dairy, fruit salad, gin, ice cream, juice, licorice, lime, martini, meat, noodles, pasta, pie, rye, snack, soda, sugar, tangerine, toast, wheat, zucchini, amber, amethyst, navy blue, russet
birth, blood, cardiac, cellular, chew, cortisol, digestion, elbow, esophagus, fertile, flesh-eating bacteria, flu, high blood pressure, leishmaniasis, listeria, liver, mitochondria, monkeypox, personality disorder, polyp, quarantine, ribs, sex, shingles, shoulder, skull, sleep, tendonitis, torn bicep; antibiotic, antidepressant; zombie drug
Sunday, May; Gemini; auroras, cosmos, dark matter, meteorite strike, moon, neutron star, Pluto, Saturn, solar activity; Drought, fires, flooding, hail, sinkhole, snowstorm, tornadoes, windy, winter storm anteater, bee, butterfly, cicada, crocodile, llama, mosquito, sea lion, shark;
Angel, Bahai, Bible, Calvinism, Jainism, Moravian
Chico’s, Costco, Delta Airlines, DroneUp, Ferrari, H&M, Home Grown Shrimp, IHOP, Instagram, JetBlue, John Deere, Kia, Lego, Lucky Brand, Marvel Comics Group, Meta, Nestle, Nike, Parker Brothers, Porsche, Publix, Rite Aid, Rubik’s Cube, Tesla, The Crust Pizza, Tyson
Arizona Cardinals, Baltimore Ravens, Boston Celtics, Carolina Panthers, Charlotte Hornets, Cincinnati Bengals, Indianapolis Colts, Jacksonville Jaguars, Milwaukee Bucks, Minnesota Timberwolves, Minnesota Vikings, New York Jets, Philadelphia 76ers, Pittsburgh Pirates, San Francisco Giants, St. Louis Blues
Abstract, academic, actor, advertising agency, Air Force, air show, armed subs, army, art, astronaut, astronomer, automation, baby, ballistic missiles, band, bar, bomb, buy/sell/trade, charity, city, clothes washer, code, code writer, communism, computer, computer chip, craft, crop circle, cruise, cyber consultant, cryptology, cymatics, cymbals, detective, distance runner, doctor, drums, electric ferry, electricity, experiment, explosion, fabric, family, feminine, firefighter, fires, fisherman, flashlight, flooding, friends, fusion, genius, grandfather, helicopter, housing, humanity, ice hockey, illusion, jetpack, lawyer, linguist, Mafia, magician, make money, marry, merger, methane, micro reactor, mindset, mining, mob, money management, moss, motorcycle, mystical, news media, orchid, photographer, physical, prism, propaganda, quantum dots, quantum entanglement, remote viewing, rogue, rose, ruby, runway, Sanskrit, scuba diving, security, shoes, sinkhole, ski, slate, spintronics, spiral, submarine, subscription, superconductor, symmetry, team, technical, teenager, The Twilight Zone, therapy, tree, trombone, unity consciousness, vaccine, wall, warrior, water treatment plant, wax, wet, woman, wood, writer, yacht, yard, yin, yoga, zany
Number 7
#7 Names
Adrienne, Alanna, Alexa, Alexis, Amanda, Ana, Anne, Annette, Annie, Ashley, Barbara, Bette, Carolyn, Chloe, Doreen, Eleanor, Elizabeth, Francis, Ingrid, Isabella, Jada, Jill, Johnette, Jolene, Keri, Kerri, Ketanji, Lucy, Lynne, Marisa, Martha, Mayim, Meg, Millicent, Nadeen, Nanette, Naomi, Penelope, Rosalie, Severine, Shania, Sierra, Stephanie, Sylvia, Tabitha, Tanya, Vanna, Victoria, Wanda, Wynonna, Yvette
Cher, Coco Chanel (9,7), Glenn Close (7,9), Maya Angelou (4,3), Serena Williams (8,8)
Anthony, Antonio, Brad, Calvin, Carl, Carson, Chad, Clarence, Colton, Connor, Dairon, Derek, Douglas, Doyle, Erik, Finn, Ford, Francis, Frederick, Gale, Glenn, Hank, Harry, Henry, Jack, Jimmy, Josh, Kevin, Kurk, Kurt, Laurence, Lester, Lincoln, Lodge, Mark, Montel, Nelson, Philip, Raphael, Reginald, Remy, Richard, Richie, Russell, Sae, Seth, Simon, Sloan, Stewart, Terrence, Todd, Tyrone, Valiant, Vernon, Vladimir, Walker, Walter, Warren, Willard, William, Willie, Xavier, Zay; Andrew Johnson (11,5), Andy Williams (8,8), Arnold Schwarzenegger (1,6), Denzel Washington (3,4), Fareed Zakaria (3,4), George Washington (3,4), Hulk Hogan (7,9), Jimmy Kimmel (7,9), John Wayne (11,5), Jon Batiste (3,4), Luther Vandross (3,4), Michael Jackson (6,1), Otis Redding (9,7), Roger Federer (9,7), Sergio Mendes (1,6), Srinivasa Ramanujan (4,3), The Beatles, Toby Keith (8,8), Tyrese Maxey (11,5), Thomas Edison (4,3) Tom Clancy (3,4), Woodrow Wilson (5,11)
#7 States & Cities/Areas
California, Indiana, Maryland, New Jersey, Tennessee, Wyoming;
Battista Island, Big Bend, Brevard, Charleston, Clearwater, Columbus, Coral Springs, Corpus Christi, Dayton, Edgewater, Fort Lauderdale, Gainesville, Gulfport, Jacksonville, Knoxville, Lincoln, Mount Shasta, Ramapo fault, Oklahoma City, Orlando, Reno, Salton Sea, Trenton
#7 Countries & Cities/Areas
South America, Armenia, Aruba, Bolivia, Chad, Fiji, Greece, Monaco, Oman, Philippines, Rwanda, Scotland, Slovenia, Somalia, South Korea, South Sudan, Sweden, Switzerland, Tuvalu, Ukraine, Zambia; Antwerp, Bangkok, Brussels, Budapest, Cape Town, Cusco, Dhaka, Frankfurt, Guadalupe, Krakow, Liverpool, Manchester, Mecca, Moscow, Oslo, Pokhara, Rafah, Red Sea, Reykjanes Ridge, Winnipeg
#7 Words
Avocado, cognac, flax, guava, kiwi, popcorn, potato chips, protein, rum, saffron, salt, spice, vegetable, yogurt Cerulean, cyan, magenta, pale, purple
Addiction, allergies, anemia, ankle, asthma, bicep tear, chin, deaf, depression, ears, fungus, jaw, heart, healthy, hips, immunity, injury, interferon, intestine, legs, nail fungus, nausea, norovirus, poison, sinuses, smell, speak, stomach, strep throat, stroke, thigh, ureters, vision, West Nile Virus; antiviral,
March, Aries, Capricorn, mercury retrograde;
earth, exosphere, galaxy, hypervelocity star, magnetar, northern lights, solar wind, sunspot
blue green algae, breeze, cold, damp, heat, flood, gale, hot, hurricane, rip current, sleet, tsunami, volcanic blast, antelope, bobcat, camel, caterpillar, cattle, extremophiles, goat, herring, hippopotamus, insect, lizard, polar bear, rabbit, rhinoceros, salamander, tick, zebra
Agnostic, church, Mormon, Pope, prophecy, Sikhism, Vedic
Amazon, American Airlines, Atomic Canyon, Bally, BBC, Boeing, Budweiser, Caterpillar, Chanel, Chef Boyardee, Chipotle, David Lawrence Centers, DeepMind, Dillard’s, Dollar General, Duke Energy, Federal Bureau of Investigation, Ford, Gameloft, Goodwill, Google, Grubhub, Gucci, HBO, Kellogg’s, Kroeger, Macys, Marvel Comics, Moderna, Next Door, Planet Fitness, Post, Quantinuum, Rolls Royce, Secret Service, Tim Hortons, Twitter, Walmart, Zillow
Chicago White Sox, Cincinnati Reds, Cleveland Browns, Dallas Cowboys, Detroit Lions, Detroit Tigers, Edmonton Oilers, Las Vegas Raiders, Los Angeles Kings, Los Angeles Rams, Memphis Grizzlies, Miami Dolphins, Miami Heat, New Orleans Pelicans, New York Knicks, Oklahoma City Thunder, Sacramento Kings, Seattle Kraken, Seattle Seahawks, St. Louis Cardinals, Tampa Bay Rays, Texas Rangers
Airport, airspace control, Aquaculture farm, artificial, ballet, ballistics, beautiful, body guard, book, bull market, charcoal, circus performer, citrus greening, collective, comic, community, computer science, cosmology, crop, crowd sourcing, crypto, cymatic patterns, dark, early, earth, electric car, entertain, evolution, exam, exercise, farmer, fentanyl, finance, firearm, flower, fly, fractal, Freemasons, funeral director, gardening, glass blower, government, gut feeling, hair stylist, harp, heavy, hot air balloon, innovation, instruct, intelligence, investigative reporter, large, leadership, left, lock down, lottery, lyricist, marijuana, Marines, masculine, mathematical, mattress, meadow, memories, miracle, monarchy, monolith, mother, morse code, mystery of life, nature, navigate, negotiator, network, new idea, news, no labels party, noise pollution, northwest, occultism, pants, past life, photon, platinum, political, possible, power grid,precious, private investigator, product, protect, puzzle, radiology, real estate, regal, religious, renovation, reporter, repurpose, revolution, robot, scientific, sculpture, sea, secret, sentient, sewer, ship, sidereal astrology, sixth sense, solar power, somatic exercises, sound wave, sport, steel, story, string theory, subconscious, sunflower, survival skill, sword, tattoo artist, teamwork, technology, trade work, waves, wife, wind farm, women, you, zealot, zinc, zombie
(these do not mean that they will happen)
Number 3
#3 Extreme Challenges
Crime, evil, explosion, fake news, famine, natural disasters, quarantine, ransomware attack, social unrest, thief, train crash, unrestricted warfare, world changing event
Number 7
#7 Extreme Challenges
Anarchy, antisemitism, assassination, biological weapons, dictatorship, extremist, high unemployment, nuclear bomb, plane crash, sabotage, sociopath, terrorist, violent
Number 3
Accept love, be open, divine peace, encouragement helps, expect great things, feel good about ourselves, get busy with your life’s purpose, give yourself a hug, lift up, new experiences, nurture relationships, pay it forward, peace on earth, reinvent yourself, release stress, self-improvement, set intentions, shine brightly, spiritual awakening, stay in the peace lane, take a break, we are all one, words have power, work together, world peace
Number 7
#7 Positive Phrases
Accept yourself, align with your joy, be in the now, be still, connect to the divine, do no harm, focus on the positive, good will, get to work–your future will thank you, inhale peace, know you, let it go, make a difference, mysteries revealed, observe don’t absorb, reset your life, sacred healing, stop living in fear, thoughts manifest, unconditional love, use your mental gifts, wise use of time