Being around animals has always brought me immense joy and relaxation. They are the perfect companions, especially when I feel down, and they have an innate ability to sense when they are needed the most for emotional support. Their presence is comforting and uplifting, almost as if they instinctively know how to heal with their gentle, unconditional love.
Taking care of and advocating for animals has been a passion of mine for as long as I can remember. This deep connection to animals led me to become a pescatarian over 20 years ago, driven by my love for animals of all kinds. For me, animals are so much more than just cute creatures; they are beautiful, selfless souls with an extraordinary capacity for love and empathy. Their ability to give without expecting anything in return constantly amazes me and strengthens my commitment to their well-being.
Reduces Stress and Anxiety
Spending time with animals, such as petting a dog or playing with a cat, has been shown to reduce stress and anxiety levels. The act of petting or interacting with an animal can release endorphins, the body’s natural stress relievers, and lower the levels of cortisol, a stress hormone. This interaction creates a calming effect, promoting relaxation and reducing feelings of anxiety.
Lowers Blood Pressure
Studies have found that petting an animal can lower blood pressure, reducing the risk of heart disease. This is likely due to the release of oxytocin, often called the “love hormone,” which occurs when engaging in positive interactions with animals. Oxytocin can induce feelings of happiness and relaxation, which in turn can help lower blood pressure.
Improves Cardiovascular Health
Spending time around animals can increase physical activity, which is beneficial for cardiovascular health. Dog owners, for instance, often walk their pets regularly, contributing to their own daily exercise. Increased physical activity helps improve heart health by lowering cholesterol levels, reducing blood pressure, and improving overall cardiovascular fitness.
Boosts Immune System
Interacting with animals can boost the immune system and reduce the risk of allergies and asthma in children. Exposure to pet dander and other allergens early in life can help build a child’s immune system, making them less susceptible to allergies and asthma later on. The “hygiene hypothesis” suggests that early exposure to various microorganisms can strengthen the immune system.
Increases Social Interaction
Having a pet can increase social interaction, especially for elderly people or those who live alone. Pets can serve as social catalysts, encouraging their owners to engage in conversations and interactions with others, whether it’s during walks, at pet-related events, or even through social media. This increased social interaction can reduce feelings of loneliness and isolation.
Provides Comfort and Support
Animals can provide comfort and support for those who are suffering from depression, anxiety, or other mental health issues. The presence of a pet can offer a sense of companionship and unconditional love, which can be particularly comforting during tough times. Therapy animals are often used to provide emotional support and improve mental well-being.
Helps Children Develop Empathy and Responsibility
Children who grow up around animals often develop a sense of empathy and responsibility. Caring for a pet requires understanding the needs and emotions of another living being, fostering empathy. Additionally, the responsibilities associated with pet care, such as feeding, grooming, and exercising the pet, can teach children important life skills and instill a sense of accountability.
Humane Treatment and Safety
It’s important to ensure that the animals are treated humanely and that all interactions are safe for both the animals and humans involved. Responsible pet ownership involves providing proper care, training, and a safe environment for the animals. It’s also essential to respect the animal’s needs and boundaries to maintain a healthy and positive relationship.
Overall, being around animals can have numerous physical and mental health benefits, contributing to a happier and healthier lifestyle.

If owning a pet isn’t possible for you, there are still plenty of ways to enjoy the company of furry friends. You can volunteer at humane societies, animal shelters, and sanctuaries where animals are always in need of care and companionship. Additionally, becoming a pet sitter allows you to help others by taking care of their pets when they need assistance.
Personally, I volunteer at the Shy Wolf Sanctuary in Naples, Florida, and have been doing so for about a year and a half now. Every week, I look forward to visiting and being greeted with wagging tails, kisses, and purrs. While I love traveling, having a dog of my own isn’t feasible at the moment. Volunteering at the sanctuary not only helps the animals, but it also provides me with the joy and comfort of furry hugs. It’s a fulfilling way to stay connected with animals and support their well-being.